Bigoted Ohio State Rep. Ron Hood
A ridiculous, hate-filled bill sponsored by Ron Hood… was anyone really surprised?
This is just the most recent in a series of divisive, partisan measures sponsored by Hood during the current General Assembly session. ( See a list below ).
Join the Buckeye Senate Bloggers and “call these bigots and ask them if they are going to adopt the children their bill will leave behind.”
Ron was also involved in proposing measures to:
"identify, as a… matter of statewide concern, the right of any person… to own … a firearm "
"declare that it is the public policy of the state to prefer childbirth over abortion."
"enable persons who are sixteen … to obtain … hunting licenses", "authorize public and nonpublic schools to offer a course in firearm safety and marksmanship" BUT "require school districts and community schools that receive donated copies of the mottoes of the United States of America (In God We Trust) or the State of Ohio (With God, All Things Are Possible) to display the mottoes in school buildings. "
“repeal the ‘Journalist exception’ to the provision that otherwise makes confidential the records ... regarding concealed handgun licenses"
"require physicians to complete and submit ... an individual abortion report for each abortion performed".
create "One Nation Under God" license plates
forbid money from Breast Cancer license plates to be used “for abortion information, counseling, services, or other abortion-related activities.”
“Eliminate the restrictions … for the carrying of a concealed firearm… into institutions of higher education, places of worship, child day-care centers and family day-care homes, and state and local public buildings.”
“prohibit the use of public funds or facilities for ... abortions”
Oh, and my personal favorite:
“prohibit a person from knowingly discharging a laser into the cockpit of an aircraft.”
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